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3yr Old Class 







 w/optional add on Friday

  9:00am-12pm or 1230-330pm


Our 3 yr old curriculum was created to ensure kids have the skills necessary to progress through the remainder of preschool in a fun and engaging way, while setting them up with the building blocks for the future.


By the end of the year our 3yr Old Preschool Class will have mastered:


  • Letter Recognition (Capitals) and have begun working on letter sounds

  • Color Recognition

  • Shape Recognition

  • Name Writing

  • Number Counting 1-20

  • Number Recognition 1-10

  • Increased Fine Motor Skills

  • Increased Gross Motor Skills

  • Increased Social Skills


To see our full 3yr old year end assessment sheet please as the front office. 

*Must be 3 by September 1st. Classes sizes limited to 12 students per class.



4yr Old Class 







 w/optional add on Friday

  9:00am-12pm or 1230-330pm

Our 4yr old curriculum is set up to ensure kids feel confident and fully prepared for kindergarten and beyond. We have set up tools and themes to keep the class excited to learn and ready for more.


By the end of the year our 4yr Old Preschool Class will have mastered:


  • Letter Recognition and Writing in Capitals and lower case

  • Letter Sound Recognition

  • Begun passing off sight words for Kindergarten

  • Color Recognition

  • Shape Recognition

  • Name Writing

  • Number Recognition and Writing 1-20

  • Increased Fine Motor Skills

  • Increased Gross Motor Skills

  • Increased Social Skills


To see our full 4yr old year end assessment sheet please as the front office.

*Must be 4 by September 1st. Classes sizes limited to 12 students per class. 



Movement Class 

Incorporated Each week during both the 3 and 4yr old classes. 

Each week our students will experience

  • Dance Movement 

  • Tumbling  

  • Musical Theater

As well as intermixed singing and music lessons.


Each day students will receive two full hours of academic lessons and 45 minutes of movement.


These classes are specially designed for boys AND girls and help encourage gross motor skills while also giving kids the ability to learn new things, get their wiggles out, and grow an appreciation for moving their bodies.

3yr old clas
4 yr old class
Movement class
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